Assembly and Start-up
Insist Avtomatika carries out the following kinds of assembly, start-up and commissioning works:
The company has the following resources that are crucial for quality assembly and commissioning works:
Experience of collaboration with numerous construction and mounting organizations
- Commissioning of automation systems, alarm system, telemetry equipment
- Assembly and start-up of fire alarm and fire-fighting systems
- Assembly (assembly supervision) of automation systems and alarm systems, electrical installations, equipment
- Commissioning of power supply automation equipment
- Commissioning of electrical machinery and electric drives
- Mounting of outdoor electric networks and power lines
The company has the following resources that are crucial for quality assembly and commissioning works:
- Certificate of the Self-Regulating Organization permitting assembly and commissioning works including works on extremely hazardous production facilities
- Qualified personnel (project managers, programmers, setup engineers, instrumentation engineers, instrumentation technicians, assembly technicians)
- Specialized labor protection service
- Many years’ experience of carrying out works in regions of the Far North
Experience of collaboration with numerous construction and mounting organizations