
Insist Avtomatika provides maintenance of process control system.

Maintenance is a complex of organizational and technical activities including development and implementation of maintenance works schedule, creation of local operations base, staffing, and carrying out works on day-to-day maintenance and upgrade of the system.

Maintenance pursues the following objectives:
  • Keeping parameters of the process control system within the limits stipulated by technical specifications
  • Diagnostics of operating conditions and prevention of failure of control systems and equipment
  • Long-term maintenance of equipment operability while preserving optimal economic indicators of its operation
  • Minimization of unscheduled equipment downtime and reduction of repair costs

Right approach to organization of control system maintenance allows gradual transition from preventive maintenance to works based on actual equipment condition.

Insist Avtomatika has long experience in organization of maintenance of control systems, instrumentation, and database control systems. The company performed works at process facilities for leading oil and gas production companies.

The company has the following resources that are crucial for quality maintenance of process control systems:
  • Certificate of the Self-Regulating Organization permitting performing works on extremely hazardous production facilities
  • Qualified assessed personnel (maintenance engineers, programmers, instrumentation engineers, instrumentation technicians)
  • Special department for automated process control system maintenance
  • Specialized labor protection service
  • Many years’ experience of carrying out works in the region of the Far North
  • Close interaction of design, production and start-up departments of the company

High-quality maintenance is a prerequisite for ongoing upgrade and development of a process control system, maintaining its maximum effectiveness and quick response to emerging tasks.